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Filling in bulkhead 7

One of the changes to the plans (and thinking) of the scamp since I originally got my kit was that the space underneath the seat tops between bulkhead 7 and the transom should be a watertight compartment to aid in floatation in the event of a capsize/turtle.

My kit was old enough that it came with round cutouts in bulkhead 7 triyng to save weight, so I found some scrap, cut two plugs, and glued them in.

Rounds cut and glued into bulkhead 7 openings

Pretty good fit

They also had little cutouts on the bottom that would allow water to flow between bulkheads - those also obviously need to be filled in order to make the areas truly watertight, so little triangle pieces were cutout and glued in to fill those as well.

A plywood plug for port notch in bulkhead 7
Port side notch
A plywood plug for starboard notch in bulkdhead 7
Starboard side notch