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Lazarette top in progress

The top of the lazarette I decided to make out of a doubled piece of 9mm plywood. This makes the lazarette thick enough to match the thickness of the butt hinges I chose, as well as making it plenty beefy to stand up to an anchor and chain bouncing around inside of it trying to get out.

Top in place in the down position

Top in place in the down position

I had to wait until now to finish the lazarette top because the motor mount needed to be completely installed first - that butted all the way down to the top edge of the aft cleat the lazarette would rest on, and once the motor mount was finished I could extend that with a firring strip all the way across the cleat so that the top of the lazarette oculd be a uniform width.

Here you can see the firring strip back against the transom

Here you can see the firring strip back against the transom

Once the dimensions were worked out, I needed to pull out my handy router template and again route notches in for the hinges, this time on the lid of the lazarette itself.

Clamped down ready to go
A closer look at the bit itself
After a little cleanup work with the file
The hinge fits well!
Pretty good fit
Hinge should fit well and be nearly flush